Corbyn v May
This is one of those moments where the whole country attempted to lipread and most were united in agreement that Jeremy Corbyn mouthed “stupid woman” to Theresa May during Prime Minister’s Questions. A number of media outlets contacted Jeremy Freeman and he was able to confirm within minutes with an expert opinion that Corbyn did indeed mouth those words. Later on, Corbyn denied using those words and claimed he said “stupid people”. Jeremy Freeman, was then able to do a thorough forensic analysis and gave the opinion that Corbyn did not use the word “people” and did indeed use the word “woman”. Jeremy’s expert opinion made front page news of The Times (behind paywall) and featured in several other papers including the Daily Mail.
May v Juncker
Jeremy Freeman was commissioned by The Times to investigate Theresa May’s conversation with Jean-Claude Juncker at the European Council on 14th December 2018, in Brussels. This was a interesting challenge - it took some time to work out one particular word, a word very rarely used in everyday language. This is where Jeremy analysed the context and look at what happened on previous day. Jeremy discovered that Britain’s proposals were labelled “nebulous and imprecise”. Jeremy was then able to use the context and match that with the conversation that May had with Jean-Claude Juncker and provide a transcript of most of the conversation.
William & Kate
Jeremy was hired by News of The World for the day to work in their studio and newsroom back in April 2011, just a few months before their closure.
He was able to provide many insights into conversations throughout the day. Some of our snippets below:
On the balcony at Buckingham Palace, after the marriage; Kate to William - ‘Wow, that’s amazing,’
William to Kate - ‘Let’s give them another one. I love you,’ ‘One more kiss, one more kiss. OK?’
Kate to William on the journey to Buckingham Palace ‘Well, are you happy?’
William replied: ‘Yes! Yes! It was a beautiful service. It really was. . . It was amazing. I’m so proud you’re my wife.’
Clattenburg v Chelsea
Mark Clattenburg was alleged to have made a racist remark to Chelsea’s Mikel John Obi on the pitch. This naturally made big headlines and Jeremy was contacted by Sky News and Sky Sports to look at the footage. Jeremy was interviewed for the news broadcasts and advised that there was no evidence to support the allegation that Mark Clattenburg said "shut up, you monkey" to Mikel John Obi during the fallout from the controversial decision to send off Fernando Torres for diving.
Later, the Football Association found that there was no case to answer.
A drugs deal?
Jeremy received video footage from prosecutors investigating an alleged drug deal. The prosecution were keen to build a strong case and sought our guidance on the conversation that two men had, whilst an envelope was passed over. Jeremy spent many hours poring over the footage and was able to transcribe certain elements of the conversation, however he made a strong recommendation that the video footage of the conversation was not credible to be used as evidence due to lack of clarity over the words spoken.
Jeremy Freeman is experienced in helping patients in hospital relay their words to their families and health professionals. Bear in mind that the patients Jeremy sees have just undertaken major surgery and are in no condition to write down their requests or questions etc. A really interesting case that Jeremy took on back in 2010…he represented a patient who had been struggling to converse with his wife and older children and had got angry and frustrated. Within 15 minutes, I was able to solve the situation…he had simply asked to read the Daily Mirror or The Sun rather than The Times that he had been given each day. The remarkable fact was that he had been an avid Times reader for 50 years and had never read a tabloid in his life. He explained that he was too tired to read long articles and wanted something simpler to read.
Old home movie
Many old home movies have lost the sound due to the age of the material or during the transfer to new media. Jeremy is often asked to transcribe some footage. One of the most emotional cases that Jeremy has worked on is transcribing some footage of a late father’s conversation to his daughter on her birthday . His daughter wanted to know what he was saying, as she had remembered the conversation but not the content. Jeremy was able to spend some hours putting together approximately 45 seconds of wisdom that the father had imparted on to the daughter. It had such a life changing impact on her and took some of the conversation and made them into prints that adorn her home.